CAM: Why wasn’t I told about this?
BRENNAN: (chuckles) I encourage independent inquiry.
CAM: Your encouragement does not signify my authorization. If it happens again, I will take action. And I’m from New York, which means that I will take New York action. Am I clear?
BRENNAN: Not at all.
ZACH: I’m from Michigan.
HODGINS: Dr. Saroyan means she’ll make us watch musical theatre.
CAM: Wrong New York. I’m more from the get-mugged-in-broad-daylight tradition. This is not a high school science fair; this is the Jeffersonian Institute. Unauthorized experiments in forensics will get you fired.
ZACH: But…we’re Hodge-Podge and Zackaroni.
BRENNAN: And, they work for me.
CAM: You know, what I’d really like to do here is enjoy a meeting of the minds. But, if you insist on an organizational pyramid, I will be at the top.

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