Funny Quotes, Smallville Quotes, Act 4

Funny Quotes
Smallville TV Show
Episode: Spirit

Lois: I just went to see the allergist. This says I owe $200.
- Actually, it's $215, including lab fees.
Lois: But all they did was stick a bunch of needles in my back and make me really itchy. What's that all about?
- Well, they need to find out what you're allergic to.
Lois: I know what I'm allergic to. He's got four legs and drools. What I need is a prescription. Please. A dog's life depends on it.

Clark: Lois, wasn't this not in the realm of possibilities?
Lois: Anything's possible, Clark.

Chloe: Okay, if by some weird reason, I win, the tiara burning party is at my house.

Lois: What the hell am I doing in a dress, and what the hell am I doing at your prom?
Clark: Oh, no.
Lois: Did you pin that on me?
Clark: I... I'll explain later, Lois.
Lois: A little close to the boob, don't you think?

Lois to Clark: Okay, smallville, I clicked my heels together three times, and nothing happened. Better tell me what's going on.

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